© Patricia Rigg Blake, 2001
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As we all know, obituaries are often times filled with typos and inaccurate facts. However, I do think that sometimes they give us insights into the character of the person being eulogized. Therefore I have decided to give a page to obituaries for those of you who would like the opportunity to read them. So facts aside, here is a glimpse of our loved ones that passed on before us.

Miranda Gambrel Rigg Obituary One
(Unknown newspaper)

Miranda Gambrel Rigg Obituary Two
(Unknown newspaper)

Mary Gambrel Poe Obituary
(The Leon News Dec. 28, 1917)

D.W. Poe Obituary
(The Leon News Oct. 1, 1891)

David Wilhite Obituary
(Princeton Clarion Jan. 3, 1898)

Laura Belle Noyes Obituary
(Unknown newspaper)